Laser treatment in Karlsruhe with state-of-the-art technology and expert service

The alexandrite laser allows absolute freedom
Efficient and gentle: the alexandrite laser as a solution for permanent* hair removal
The alexandrite laser can not only be used for a permanent* hair removal but is also used for the removal of tattoos or the treatment of pigmentary disorders. For a permanent* hair removal the alexandrite laser technology is based on laser energy with a wavelength of 755 nm. Due to the concentrated light, the laser beams reach the hair root in a very targeted way and destroy it permanently*. Therefore, the hair root can not regenerate and consequently lead to a permanent* hair removal. Thanks to the innovative cooling technology this method is completely painless and without known side effects.

The alexandrite laser treatment process
For the preparation of an optimal treatment it is recommended to avoid intensive sunbathing (also solarium) about one month before the beginning of the treatment. The background for this is found in the effect of the laser. Heavily tanned skin absorbs the laser pulses, preventing the hair roots from being effectively reached by the energy. The treatment would be ineffective and also would be a risk of burning.
Since there has to be a connection between hair and hair root, for transmitting the laser energy, it is necessary to stop epilation, sugaring and waxing at least 2 weeks before the treatment starts. Depilatory cream and bleach are also not recommended. Shaving on the day before the treatment is advised so that the skin has time to recover. Make-up should also be removed if available before the treatment.
Pain-free and fast hair removal thanks to cooling technology
Thanks to the integrated cooling technology the treatment causes no pain and anaesthesia is not necessary. Any redness caused by the heat usually disappears completely within a few days.
The duration of each treatment depends on the area of the body to be treated. A treatment of the upper lip takes only about 10 minutes and a complete treatment of the legs about one hour.

The growth cycle and the Alexandrite laser
Since hair grows in so-called growth cycles, several treatments are needed for permanent* hair removal. There are three different growth cycles: the growth phase, the transition phase and the resting phase.
Only hair in the growth phase can be treated. However, there are only about 30% of all hair in the growth phase. All others are either in the transition or resting phase and cannot be treated at that time. One cycle lasts between 4 and 8 weeks, so it is necessary to perform the treatment at intervals of about 4 weeks.

Important to note for the alexandrit-laser-treatment
The best effectiveness of a treatment with the alexandrite laser can be achieved in people with dark hair and fair skin. This is due to the distribution of the melanin. The light waves can pass through the fair skin easily and be forwarded directly to the hair root. The resulting energy denatures the proteins of the hair root. Afterwards the body’s own phagocytes (macrophages) are activated. The phagocytes now fight the cause of inflammation (the denatured hair root) and remove it.
The effect of melanin during laser hair removal
Each body reacts differently of a treatment with light therapy. Thick, dark hair, however, is best suited for such a treatment. A treatment of every body area is possible, for example, chin, face, intimate area, legs, back and much more.
The permanent* hair removal is dependent on the dye melanin, therefore the treatment of red, grey or very light hair is limited with the alexandrite laser. Dark-skinned people cannot be treated with the alexandrite laser, since the risk of burning is too high. However, we offer alternative technologies which remove hair on dark skin easily.

Effectiveness of laser hair removal with Alexandrite
Long-term medical studies confirm the durability and effectiveness of this depilatory method. You can see first visible results from the very first treatment on. Density and the number of hairs decrease with each further treatment.
Individual circumstances determine the time of reaching the final result. On average six to eight sessions are needed for optimal results.