Haarfreiheit Karlsruhe
Scherer GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 1
69117 Heidelberg
Mail: info@haarfreiheit-karlsruhe.de
Phone: +49 721 – 61 934 200
managing director
Stefan Scherer
Registration in the commercial register.
Register court: Amtsgericht Mannheim
Register number: HRB 726 050
Value added tax:
VAT identification number according to §27 a sales tax law:
DE 308 940 395
Information on professional liability insurance:
Name and registered office of insurer:
Continentale Krankenversicherung a.G.
Ruhrallee 92
44139 Dortmund
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Photo credit:
Robert Kneschke @ fotolia.com, gpointstudio @ fotolia.com, YakobchukOlena @ fotolia.com, kiuikson @ fotolia.com, Anastasiia Kazakova @ fotolia.com, deagreez@ fotolia.com, Sofia Zhuravetc @ fotolia.com, neonshot @ fotolia.com, Marek AGInt @ fotolia.com, gawriloff @ fotolia.com, glisic_albina @ fotolia.com, puhhha@ fotolia.com, looking2thesky @fotolia.com, blackday @fotolia.com, milazvereva @fotolia.com, edwardderule @fotolia.com, Augustino @fotolia.com, kran77 @fotolia.com, Damian Gretka @fotolia.com, Andrey Popov @fotolia.com, Vagengeym @fotolia.com, Настя Короткова @adobe stock, Valua Vitaly @fotolia.com, New Africa @fotolia.com, Koldo_Studio @fotolia.com, schankz @fotolia.com, Виталий Сова @fotolia.com, nikolas_jkd@ fotolia.com, elenavolf @fotolia.com, Pixel-Shot@ fotolia.com, Drobot Dean @fotolia.com, Artem Furman @fotolia.com, deagreez @fotolia.com, dream @do@fotolia.com, svetography @fotolia.com, onderortel @fotolia.com, LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS @fotolia.com
With regard to hair removal, a distinction must be made between temporary and permanent hair removal. Permanent or permanent hair removal has been defined by the Food and Drug Administration USA as “a long-lasting, constant reduction of regrowing hair beyond the duration of a hair cycle”.Due to our many years of experience and constant exchange with our customers, we achieve a high rate in permanent hair removal. In some cases the result of a permanent hair removal is not possible and hair could still grow after the completed treatment.
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